A cleaner energy future for all of us starts with reducing greenhouse gas emissions across the country and around the world. Every year, the natural gas industry invests billions of dollars to help make this happen.
But where exactly is this money going? And what does investing in a cleaner energy future look like?
In this article, we’ll detail just four of the ways the American Gas Association, natural gas utilities and industry partners are making a real impact in the fight against climate change.
Upgrading Delivery Infrastructure
Innovation in natural gas delivery is driving massive drops in carbon emissions across our shared infrastructure system. From new pipe materials to modernization across the entire network, today’s pipeline is safer and more efficient than ever. This improved efficiency isn’t just good for the consumers and businesses who rely on natural gas for energy. Smarter distribution is great for the environment, too.
- Every day, natural gas utilities invest $95M+ into infrastructure upgrades and advancements in energy efficiency
- CO2 emissions from natural gas infrastructure have reached 30-year lows
- Infrastructure improvements are required to push the industry to net-zero emissions
Leaders in Advancing Technology
Natural gas utilities across the USA are heavily involved in the development of low- and zero-carbon emission technologies. Investments exceeding $125M have led to a wide range of solutions that drastically reduce total emissions.
New technologies developed by the natural gas industry include:
- High-efficiency natural gas heat pumps
- Utility efficiency programs
- Hybrid heating systems
Boosting Energy Efficiency
Helping residential and business consumers reduce their energy consumption across the country is a top priority for American gas utility companies. Energy efficiency programs save customers money while reducing greenhouse gases for all of us. From helping customers to upgrade to more efficient natural gas appliances, to installing installation in residential and commercial properties, American utilities spend over $4M each day to drive us forward to a cleaner energy future.
Innovation in Renewables
The natural gas industry’s sustainable energy vision relies on innovative, carbon-neutral energy sources as being key to achieving net-zero emissions.
- Investments in clean hydrogen are making it possible to generate energy while removing carbon from the atmosphere
- Clean hydrogen offers an ideal energy storage solution
- Investments in hundreds of renewable natural gas (RNG) projects across the country are making it possible to harness an inexhaustible source of carbon-neutral energy using existing infrastructure
A Place for Natural Gas
Renewable energy sources offer an exciting look into our energy future. But the only way to get there is to rely on the stability of clean, safe, reliable, affordable natural gas along the way. The natural gas industry is working hard to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while supporting the advancement of alternative energy production. The cleanest burning fossil fuel is a key component in building a brighter, cleaner energy landscape for tomorrow.