When dining out, customers expect more than just a tasty meal and great service. Whether their visit is simply an escape from the chores of cooking or a celebration of that once-in-a-lifetime event, natural gas can help turn a pleasant evening out into a memorable occasion that keeps customers coming back again and again. A softly glowing gaslight creates an atmosphere that sets an establishment apart from the competition. From elegant to exotic, cozy to contemporary, there’s a natural gas option to complement virtually any decor.

There are many practical, bottom line reasons for including these specialty gas appliances in the design plan. Gaslights provide extra lighting for added safety and security along walkways and sidewalks and create a distinctive ambience that can make a food service facility more profitable.

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  • A standard residential-sized gaslight burns two inverted mantles, a sheath of refractory material that produces light by incandescence when placed over a gas flame.
  • Other options include upright mantles or open burners that produce a visible flame.
  • Gaslight heads can be mounted on poles, ceilings, wall-mounted or pier-mounted on the top of a stone, concrete or other type of column.
  • Gaslight heads come in a endless array of styles and materials to complement virtually any décor, including traditional, contemporary and colonial in various colors of painted cast aluminum, copper and brass.


  • Practical and decorative indoor or outdoor lighting, a standard residential-sized gaslight produces the equivalent of a sixty-watt lightbulb, but higher or lower levels of illumination can be achieved depending on the size and number of mantles used in each gaslight head.


  • Any facility that requires indoor or outdoor lighting around walkways, driveways, patios, outdoor food courts and entranceways or to create a charm and ambiance that distinguishes and differentiates an establishment.

Available Features*

  • Dual or triple inverted, single upright or open flame burners
  • Pole, ceiling, wall or pier mounting
  • Decorative bases for pole-mounted lights
  • Electronic ignition
  • Automatic shut-off valve
  • Tempered safety glass
  • Address cross arms
  • Custom design option

*Listed features offered by some, but not necessarily all vendors.


  • Soft, pleasant glow with no harsh glare
  • Stays lit even during power outages
  • Improves safety and security around driveways, walkways, entries and patio
  • Doesn’t attract flying insects
  • Adds charm, ambiance and value to a business
  • Attractive designs and versatile installation options, including post, pier and wall-mounted styles to enhance your décor

Energy Input

  • Varies depending on burner type and number of mantles

Fuel Type(s)

  • Natural gas and LPG


  • Varies depending on application.